"I am not from Jones County, but when I came to work at Jones County Public Schools in 2008 it immediately felt like home. The students, staff, and community are one of a kind, and I cannot imagine being anywhere else!"

All students will achieve their maximum potential.
Jones County Public Schools will:
Focus on teaching and learning through customized data driven instruction in response to high standards for student achievement.
Dedicate to actively engaging families and communities in decision-making for the best interests of students.
Commit to continuous improvement.
Our Community
Jones County is a hidden gem!
Hello from Jones County! Jones County Public Schools has one of the lowest turnover rates in the state of North Carolina. We take pride in small class sizes, community support, and teacher mentoring. We are also home to the most state-of-the-art school in North Carolina. Jones County is nestled between New Bern and Jacksonville and is less than 30 minutes from the beach and Emerald Isle.


Pamela Parker

Willie Blango
"Coming from Industry to the classroom was such a change. Going from being a contractor and paying yourself to getting paid once a month really took some adjusting.
After just a few paychecks and working with young people, made me realize that money isn't everything! The phone calls, visits, and thank you I get from the first year of teaching until now, bring tears to my eyes.
Just to know I have touched that many lives in a positive way, I feel if I had not became a teacher I would have missed my calling, and I wouldn't change it for anything!"

Donna Higgins
"Working in my home county makes my education career all the more exciting. Jones County is full of hard working, determined staff who make learning valuable and exciting for all students. You can sense the feel of family throughout every building you enter. Jones County truly is the best county in which to work and learn!"

Mykkia Combs
"The sense of family you get from working in Jones County is amazing! The feeling of family is what has kept my husband and I in Eastern Carolina. The love and support from the district and community surpasses anything you’d receive from other places. This love and support is exactly what our students need and deserve."

Melvin Smith
"Teaching JROTC students means so much to me because it was in JROTC with ASI MSgt Harrison that I found myself and the career path I wanted to pursue. After retiring from the Air Force, I decided to honor MSgt Harrison by teaching. These cadets at Jones Senior are dedicated and determined. I love affording them the same opportunities that I had and seeing them mature and grow."

Steven Howard
"Having several offers from across the state when I graduated from college, making the choice to go back home to Jones County and teach was easy. Aside from my family being here, it gave me an opportunity to give back to the school system that provided me with so much as a young boy. The amount of professional opportunities for me with Jones County Schools have been limitless and enriching."

Kayli Kreais
"When my husband got out of the military, we decided to stay in Eastern NC versus moving back to Ohio. We made this decision because of the relationships that I had built in the classroom and in the community. These are some of the most genuine students I have ever taught. They deserve the best!"